Monday, August 22, 2011

SP#5 Contributors

Ian Andersen

Pat Aulisio

Josh Bayer

William Cardini (Co-Featured Artist)

Sara Drake

Ian Harker

Victor Kerlow

Micheal Olivo

Cody Pickrodt

Carey Pietsch

Bob Pistilli

Tommy Rudmose

Jim Rugg

Thomas Scioli (Featured Artist)

Mike Sgier & Box Brown

Jo-Jo Sherrow

Anuj Shrestha

Otto Splotch


Ads due ASAP! SP#5 debuts at SPX on September 10th-11th.
Please e-mail: for details!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Throughout comics history there has been an intersection of modern art and genre. From Jack Kirby through Moebius through the works of Fort Thunder cartoonists have blurred the line between fantasy and the avant garde. For our fifth issue we welcome aboard acclaimed artist Thomas Scioli to set this tone. Tom is perhaps best known for his work on the Image Comics series GØDLAND with writer Joe Casey. I first became aware of Tom's work way back at SPX 2000, so it's fitting that this issue will debut at this year's SPX on September 10-11.

More details to come on specs and deadlines for submissions as well as ad space. Drop a few cosmic cubes in your iced tea and stay tuned!

Monday, March 14, 2011


SECRET PRISON #4 will debut at the 2011 MoCCa Comics Arts Festival and will feature the following artists:

Pat Aulisio

Art Baxter (Featured Artist)

Josh Bayer

Josh Burggraf

William Cardini

Jason Clarke

Christopher Cornwell

Lance Hansen (Co-Featured Artist)

Ian Harker

Rachel Hays

Beth Heinly

Victor Kerlow

Kelly Phillips

Ed Piskor

Bob Pistilli

Mike Sgier

Cyn Why

Please Help us keep SECRET PRISON in print for 2011.

We need your help!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SP#4 Advertising Guidelines

Advertising will be handled directly this. Please e-mail

SP#4 Spec Sheet

Submissions due March 6th 2011

Help make 2011 a reality

This time around we are fund raising the project for the entire year. All advertising will be handled directly, please e-mail


Secret Prison #4 features inaugural Xeric award winner Art Baxter not only as Featured Artist but also as Co-Creative Director. Art Baxter brings 30 years of experience in comics and commercial art to the table and has worked not only as an artist in the comics scene but also an educator. It's Art's knowledge and love of the fundamentals of cartooning and narrative particularly that lead me to bring him on board for this issue.

We will be accepting submissions for this issue from now until March 6th 2011.